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The Impact Of Dehydration On Performance

The Impact Of Dehydration On Performance

May 05, 2024

The Effects of Dehydration On The Human Body

Active individuals should be aware of the acute effects of dehydration on performance. With just a 2% loss of water in the body, heat regulation becomes impacted. With a 3% drop in body weight from water loss, muscle cell contraction is impacted. And at 4% loss, there is 5-10% reduction in overall performance that can last up to 4 hours.

Dehydration Results In Lower Blood Pressure And Slows Bodily Processes

Subsequent time trial performance was significantly diminished (13% slower) when subjects began 2.3% and ended 3.1% dehydrated. Attention needs to be paid to hydration strategies and cooling strategies during workouts.

Dehydration Effects On Athletic Performance

Perspiration Results In Loss of Electrolytes As Well As Water

If you are not hydrating during exercise or activities such as hiking or biking, you can compromise the body's ability to function properly.

But with the loss of water (H2O) also results in dissolved minerals and electrolytes exiting the body's bloodstream through perspiration, natural respiration, and other forms of water loss.

Electrolyte Replacement Is Critical To Rehydrating Properly

Hydrating with proper electrolytes during exercise helps athletes maintain a higher blood volume, which in turn keeps body temperature and heart rate from rising during prolonged exercise.

Add Electrolytes To Your Water Bottle

Balanced Mineral Replacement Is Important. Its Not Just Sodium

Research has shown that sodium does indeed lead to higher blood volume. However, a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that the amount of sodium has less of an impact. High-sodium sports drinks were no more effective than a low-sodium sports drink in regulating body temperature and preventing "cardiac drift" (rising heart rate during prolonged exercise).  

With loss of fluid you lose electrolytes, sodium and potassium, as well as essential trace minerals. According to Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition, Nina Anderson, “trace minerals are very important because they assist in restoring blood volume and the blood sugar levels that are necessary for enzymatic reactions that promote proper blood volume."

Four percent of the human body is composed of 21 macro and electrolyte forming trace minerals that are essential for life. When these mineral levels are insufficient and can’t meet the demands of the body, you’re going to get substandard levels of performance.

Balanced Electrolyte Replacement Before, During, and After Activities

EnduroPacks offers a liquid electrolyte replacement with sodium, potassium, magnesium, and 11 natural ionic minerals. It helps re-establish healthy pH levels for immune system health, recovery from injury, and to enhance the uptake of proteins for recovery.

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