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EnduroPacks Joins HITS Endurance Triathlon and Running Series As Sports Nutrition Partner

April 24, 2014

HITS Endurance, which produces both the HITS Triathlon Series and HITS Running Festivals, will be offering EnduroPacks one month pack to both men's and women's winners of their upcoming HITS Marble Falls, Texas race on April 26th and other upcoming events.


“We are excited to be a part of HITS Endurance triathlon and running events,” said EnduroPacks' Co-Founder David Wiswell.  "We want to support companies and events like HITS, as they promote endurance sports to participants of all levels and abilities.”

HITS Endurance athletes will also receive a special discount on their order from EnduroPacks.

Replacing essential nutrients is vital during endurance training to maintain health, reduce soreness, and promote recovery, so athletes can get back out there and train more effectively. EnduroPacks delivers a system of essential vitamin and mineral replacement for endurance athletes, directly to their doorstep every month.  You can find out more information on essential nutrients and minerals for endurance athletes by requesting a copy of the publication "Fueling For Peak Performance" by Nina Anderson, SPN.

You can find out more about HITS Triathlon and Running Series and the dates of their upcoming events by visiting and


HITS Inc is an events management company primarily focused on producing endurance sports events and hunter/jumper horse shows. Based in upstate New York in the village of Saugerties, HITS is dedicated to creating ‘high-quality events in desirable destinations with unmatched, professional operations’. HITS Endurance, which operates all HITS Triathlon Series as well as HITS Running Festivals is helping to bridge the multi-sport and running communities together.
EnduroPacks, Inc. offers the highest quality sports nutrition to aid in the recovery and performance of endurance athletes. After extensive research by its team of professional athletes and industry experts, EnduroPacks has identified the most effective products in the most efficient forms. Each pack contains a 30-day supply of four essential products, a Liquid Multivitamin, Concentrated Electrolyte Spray, Essential Amino Recovery Patch, and the L-Glutamine Recovery Complex. EnduroPacks products are GLUTEN-FREE, manufactured in the USA, contain no GMOs, and are 100% vegetarian.

To find out more, visit our website at or email us at

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