Tina Muir, Elite distance runner and EnduroPacks ambassador shows us some tips to her success with her 8 suspension training system exercises. Tina runs for Saucony Hurricanes Racing team and works as track/cross country coach at La Salle University in Philadelphia. Read some of Tina's secrets to success!
These exercises help with injury prevention, and Tina finds that they are great for strengthening her muscles. These exercises use a TRX/Jungle Gym/Redcord system, which can be used in a weight room or hooked to a doorframe.
You can follow Tina at www.tinamuir.com or follow her on twitter @tinamuir, or instagram @tinamuir88.
Dehydration Results In Lower Blood Pressure And Slows Bodily Processes. Active individuals should be aware of the acute effects of dehydration on performance. With just a 2% loss of water in the body, heat regulation becomes impacted. With a 3% drop in body weight from water loss, muscle cell contraction is impacted. And at 4% loss, there is 5-10% reduction in overall performance that can last up to 4 hours.
We need to hydrate. But how can you hydrate and replace electrolytes without the harmful additives like sweeteners and artificial flavoring common in sports drinks that are harsh on your stomach?