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Zinc: Why Your Body Needs It...

June 25, 2014

No one can hope to be healthy without Zinc

It is vital to the function of 90 enzymes that regulate dozens of bodily processes. It supports the immune system and fights infection, assists in chelating heavy metals from the body, improves vision, sexual potency, and enhances the senses.

Well balanced diets should include zinc among other minerals

Zinc also aids in cell respiration, bone development and growth, wound healing, and the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure, which is important for endurance athletes. Together with copper, zinc is crucial to the formation of connective tissues and the protein fibers found in bone, cartilage, ligaments, dental tissues and skin.

According to research, the average American diet is low in zinc; therefore zinc rich foods should be included in our menus and is why we have included Zinc as one of the minerals in our Concentrated Electrolyte Spray.  Here is a list of the top 10 foods highest in zinc concentration.

You can read more about essential minerals and the EnduroPacks replacement system by reading "Fueling for Peak Performance" by Nina Anderson, SPN.  To request a copy, write us at



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