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Ultra Triathlete Podiums for 3 Races In 30 Days With The Help Of EnduroPacks

June 25, 2014

Nick Logan, ultra triathlete and runner tells us about the 30 days he was using the EnduroPacks Vitamin and Mineral Replacement System during his training campaign. Nick has recently raced in the Ultraman Florida where he placed 3rd overall. He will also be participating in the Challenge Atlantic City Triathlon on June 29th! 

During Nick’s time using the liquid multivitamin he thought that a big positive of this product was its “liquid form is easily digestible and good for those that can’t swallow pills.” Nick said the electrolyte spray has a “light lemon lime taste to it with 0 calories. The fact that is has no calories makes it a great option for the workouts under 90 minutes when you really don’t need any calories anyway.”

“An interesting concept” was Nick’s take on the amino acid patch. He liked that they are easy to travel with and can be hidden under clothing and are comfortable. When Nick took the glutamine complex he felt that they were easy to take just “2 small pills a day before bed.”

Nick said, "I came away from this trial thoroughly impressed with my findings. After the first few days I could start to feel a significantly reduced soreness and by the 7th day on the pack I had virtually no soreness whatsoever while increasing the intensity of my workouts.  Additionally over the course of the trial period I have dropped 5 lbs, with significantly reduced cravings!”

Nick raced 3 times during his 30-day trial and he ended up on the overall podium each time! “One win, one 2nd place, one 3rd place. While this is more of a reflection of my conditioning over the last years I can say EnduroPacks contributed by allowing me to train the way I wanted to over the last month. The biggest test was when I did a half marathon in the morning and a 5k in the afternoon and I was able to still get out and train the next day!”

Overall, Nick felt that “EnduroPacks is a supplement that will allow you to get out there day after day and chip away at those fitness gains.” “After my trial I am completely impressed and without a doubt will be continuing to subscribe to see what impact the addition of EnduroPacks can have on my 2014 athletic goals!”


Read More of Nick Logan's Review Of The EnduroPacks System:

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