When Christine Yu decided to run the Philadelphia Half Marathon, she pulled out the training plan that her friend created for her to prepare for the San Francisco Half Marathon and started running. She didn’t change the plan at all – 3 runs per week, strength training, yoga and rest.
The one major change to her training regime during the last month leading up to race days was she started adding a daily routine of vitamin and mineral supplements to her training routine.
Christine set the record straight in her blog www.lovelifesurf.com. We shared her comments here:
Let me be upfront. I don’t take supplements. I don’t even take a multivitamin (I know, I know. I should.) I occasionally use protein powder in my smoothies. That’s it.
The main reason I don’t take supplements is because I’ve never felt that it was necessary. I should be able to get the nutrients I need from a well-rounded diet. Plus, it wasn’t like I was a serious athlete and that my dietary intake wouldn’t be able to keep up with my body’s needs. And I would always forget to take whatever vitamin/supplement I was supposed to when I was supposed to.
So it took some convincing to decide to try Enduropacks. Knowing that I was training for Philly, I thought it was a good opportunity to test it out.
Vitamin and mineral replacement is key for endurance athletes to stay healthy and recover faster. But how do you ensure that you're giving your body what it needs? EnduroPacks has created a convenient system designed to do just that. From someone who is skeptical of supplements and vitamins, I was surprised at my results.
What is it? EnduroPacks is a daily pre-, during- and post-workout system of vitamins and minerals. Since depleted vitamin and mineral levels mean sub-par performance, an increased potential for injury, and reduced recovery rate, EnduroPacks is designed to replaces essential vitamins and minerals so that your body can maintain immune system health and proper nutrition as well as improve muscle recovery while reducing soreness.
I used the system as recommended, minus a few days where I forgot to take one part of the system or didn’t apply the amino patch right after working out. Since I don’t carry water with me on most of my runs, I used the spray in my post-run water immediately upon returning home.
I was concerned about using the patch since I have sensitive skin. While it didn’t irritate me a lot, I did have to rotate the location where I applied the patch so that my skin wouldn’t become itchy. The patch can also leave behind a little residue (like a price sticker that you can’t quite peel off cleanly).After taking a 30-day course, here are the benefits I noticed:
- Good runs: I run three days a week because as I’ve gotten older, I’ve recognized that my body needs a little extra rest. Even with the extra downtime, many of my runs often feel labored, and it takes a while for my legs to come to life. Like 5 out of 6 miles. While taking EnduroPacks, I can honestly say that I had many more good runs than bad. My legs never really had that dead feeling.
- Faster recovery: Because my legs didn’t feel dead during my runs, I also recovered faster. I’m a champion napper and often need a quick nap in the afternoon. During the month, I noticed that I wasn’t as tired during the day and I didn’t need my daily nap.
- Less aches and pains: I’m the queen of feeling sore and achy as my past injury history reveals. Leading up to the SF Half and Reach the Beach Relay, I was dealing with some pain in my plantar fascia and my left ankle / shin area. While the aches didn’t disappear completely, they were significantly less bothersome and didn’t inhibit my training. In fact, there were long stretches of days when I didn’t feel sore or achey.
- 7-minute PR at the Philadelphia Half Marathon: OK, I can’t attribute my PR entirely to EnduroPacks. Yes, I ran strong and consistently over the past year and honestly, I expected to start falling apart by the fall. That’s part of the reason why I didn’t register for the half until 3 weeks before race day. I do think that EnduroPacks played a role in allowing me to continue to run and to have one of the best races in Philly.
Vitamin and mineral replacement is key for endurance athletes to stay healthy and recover faster. But how do you ensure that you're giving your body what it needs? EnduroPacks has created a convenient system designed to do just that. From someone who is skeptical of supplements and vitamins, I was surprised at my results.
For more details on Christine's training and to visit her blog http://www.lovelifesurf.com/enduropacks-review/.
Dehydration Results In Lower Blood Pressure And Slows Bodily Processes. Active individuals should be aware of the acute effects of dehydration on performance. With just a 2% loss of water in the body, heat regulation becomes impacted. With a 3% drop in body weight from water loss, muscle cell contraction is impacted. And at 4% loss, there is 5-10% reduction in overall performance that can last up to 4 hours.
We need to hydrate. But how can you hydrate and replace electrolytes without the harmful additives like sweeteners and artificial flavoring common in sports drinks that are harsh on your stomach?