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Hip Yoga Stretches For Runners

November 19, 2014

Tina Muir, Elite Runner for Saucony Hurricanes, has been recovering following the Chicago Marathon with a few common techniques.  But she has also incorporated a routine of Hip Yoga Stretches to help relieve the tightness in her hips.  

These are the exercises Tina has found to be most effective. Hold each stretch for around 90 seconds, to really allow the muscle to let go. Make sure you continue to breath deeply the entire time. You should never stretch to the point of real pain, but it will probably be uncomfortable to start, but will ease up after around a minute.

This hip opening yoga sequence for runners has really helped her feel better on runs! Do it 4-5 times a week!

Her recovery has also involved the following common techniques for runners:

  • Active Release Therapy from 1-2 times per week. 
  • Deep tissue massage once per week.
  • Religiously taking Enduropacks, especially L-Glutamine Recovery Tablets and Amino Acid Patches.
  • Using Primal Sport Mud twice a day with a heat pack.
  • Completing a thorough warmup before every run. This includes Warm-Up Drills, Core Exercises, and Leg Swings.
  • Starting off runs slowly, to allow hamstring to warm up properly.
  • Consuming a diet rich in nutrients that are known to assist with recovery (Read Tina's blog "27 Foods to Reduce Inflammation").
  • Keeping hips as loose as possible to reduce the strain on the hamstring.

You can read more of Tina's blog about Yoga stretches for Runners on her blog or by visiting

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