The following review was reposted from IRONMAN Foundation - Newton Running Ambassador Triathlon Team (#TriTeamForGood),Triathlete Ken Chin on his blog
When it comes to almost everything I get into in life, I can be quite obsessive. When it comes to my health, I've become more protective of my body and the items that I put in it. I read labels closely and do a lot of research. The least amount of ingredients typically is my go-to. Make them organic, or at least non-GMO, HUGE BONUS!
Without diving TOO far into the details, I had some blood work and saliva tests last year when I went to a naturopathic physician. I wanted to discuss options that could get me OFF my anxiety medication AND help me wake up feeling refreshed each day. The summary of the series of visits and tests was that my body was not getting enough rest due to poor diet - likely "leaky gut" - which prevents proper absorption of nutrients. This was likely a huge reason for me often not getting restful sleep and suddenly waking up at 2am with my mind racing.
Also, although not fried, my adrenals were taxed out and sitting in an "adapted to stress" state, which if not addressed could lead to diabetes, heart disease, and possibly many other things that I stopped hearing because I was in shock. I was in shock because I was, I thought, doing good things by eating as Paleo possible and staying active with my workouts. To hear diabetes and heart disease calling my name BAFFLED me!
I was experiencing a lot of inflammation from dairy, eggs, gluten and various other foods and, therefore, had to avoid them as much as possible preferably eliminating them altogether. I was told to continue eating as Paleo possible, but I needed to skip the eggs and dairy. THANKS FOR TAKING AWAY MY OMELETS! =( I also had to take away all computers, wifi devices, phones and TV for the last hour before bed to allow my mind to calm and not be stimulated by EMF, blue light etc. Reading a book without a lot of drama was to become my new thing. AND, I had to find ways to de-stress and that led to my discovery of the Calm app.
I was also given a few supplements that could help balance out some deficiencies that were found, but not a ton of different ones that I've heard other similar physicians give you and which add up to mucho $$$!!! What was prescribed was very clean and high quality. That was the point when I realized that I should actually look for clean supplements for my training as well. And, this is where EnduroPacks came into the picture.
Just as I started obsessing over reading articles about the best, clean supplements for training, EnduroPacks reached out wanting me to try and review their product. As usual, I was immediately skeptical but my research showed that this company is pretty legit and seemed to be providing a pretty clean product, with organic and non-GMO sources. YUP - I'LL TRY IT!
What comes in their $69/month package is a 30-day supply of liquid EnduroMulti, a liquid electrolyte spray, amino acid patches and EnduroGlutamine capsules. Yes, it seems like a lot of stuff but it definitely covers a LOT of bases for about $2 a day. And, you don't have to worry about forgetting how to use anything because included is a small postcard that tells you when and how much to take of each!
Stored in the refrigerator, the EnduroMulti is taken in the morning. It's a thick consistency with a wild berry flavor and tastes YUMMY, making me want more than the one-tablespoon dose! More often than not, I would just add it into my green shakes. It tastes sweet but uses Xylitol instead of sugar.
I've read various articles about the benefits of liquid vs tablet or capsule. And, what I've seen was that the liquid versions provide fast absorption. The EnduroMulti also includes a brown rice protein that's used as a stabilizing agent for maximum bioavailability.
The electrolyte spray is a concentrated liquid that requires only ten sprays to 16-ounces of water. The idea here is that this will help reduce the need for too many salt tablets and/or scoops of sea salt.
It has essential minerals for energy, muscle contraction and blood flow, organ and tissue health, and mental acuity. It's also suppose to increase stamina and hydrate without the sugar.
There is a slight metal taste but it's not overbearing and is palatable.
These Amino patches are NEAT! They're transdermal adhesives that you just put onto your clean skin after a workout, an effective way to provide essential amino acids to the muscles for recovery, increase lung function, and boost immune system performance. Leave them on four to eight hours and you should be set! Gone are the days of popping lots of horse tablets and capsules post-workout!!
EnduroGlutamine is taken just before bed and helps replace the glutamine and nitrogen lost during a workout. I've been a big user of glutamine for recovery in the past and this is no different. I would say that it's probably the more potent of the ones I've taken and the capsule form is my preference over needing to scoop and put it into a drink.
What was the best way to determine the effectiveness of this whole line-up? I simply monitored how I felt, most especially the next day following a tough workout, whether a HIIT strength session or time in the pool, on the bike, or pounding the pavement.
And, I felt GREAT while using EnduroPacks!
I typically don't look forward to the morning after a hard workout because the soreness makes me feel unable to function normally. Worse is the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) on the second day, and that didn't show its face at ANY extreme when compared to when I wasn't using these supplements.
The products are clearly doing something right if I am feeling more rested and am having little to no soreness or extreme fatigue after tough workouts!
It works and it's pretty clean! SOLD!
Dehydration Results In Lower Blood Pressure And Slows Bodily Processes. Active individuals should be aware of the acute effects of dehydration on performance. With just a 2% loss of water in the body, heat regulation becomes impacted. With a 3% drop in body weight from water loss, muscle cell contraction is impacted. And at 4% loss, there is 5-10% reduction in overall performance that can last up to 4 hours.
We need to hydrate. But how can you hydrate and replace electrolytes without the harmful additives like sweeteners and artificial flavoring common in sports drinks that are harsh on your stomach?