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Pro Derek Garcia's Impressive Back To Back Ironman Performances: Hard Work And Daily Micronutrients

July 29, 2015

An Ironman triathlon is widely considered one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world. Consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, and a 26.2-mile run; with a 17-hour cut-off time to finish this grueling event.  A typical training block (for the average age-group athlete) is 24-weeks, to allow enough time to train properly and let the body adapt to the training.  Professionals usually have 12-16 week training blocks in between races to allow for proper rest and adaptation to their training.  

EnduroPacks athlete, Derek Garcia recently raced Ironman Coeur d'Alene on June 28th, he placed 9th overall, with a time of 8:58:55.  Four weeks later, on July 26th he place 4th overall, with a time of 9:02:55, at Ironman Canada.  Derek's performances at both races, against a very competitive pro field is impressive, but what's more impressive is his 4-week turn-around!  Derek wouldn't have been able to do this if it weren't for his diligence in paying attention to his recovery.  Athletes of all levels (especially pros) have to focus on their recovery to help maintain their overall health and performance.  

Recently published an article titled, "5 Ways To Recover Like A Pro Athlete".  In this article they discuss how professional athletes recover, not only post-workout or race, but constantly throughout the day.  The article says, "One of the most overlooked ways to recover is through diet—specifically, micronutrient supplementation."  Many athletes know about macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) which are nutritional components we need in large quantities, but most don't pay enough attention to our bodies need for micronutrients.  The article continues by saying, "...during a race, micronutrient supplementation involves taking in electrolytes like potassium and magnesium to keep your body hydrated and to regulate your blood's pH levels. Eating a balanced diet will keep your micronutrient levels in check, but during periods of heavy training or racing, micronutrient supplementation can improve your performance, prevent illness and decrease your overall recovery time."

Training for an Ironman triathlon requires dedication.  It also requires a well thought out plan that includes, training, nutrition and recovery.  The best way for you to achieve your Ironman goals is by investing in a coach.  Derek Garcia is an elite level professional triathlete with many years of knowledge and experience, which he uses to help train and guide athletes of all levels reach their training goals.  For more information about Derek's coaching services visit his website at

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