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Does Your Electrolyte Give You ALL the Essential Minerals You Need?

October 07, 2013

Probably NOT! Our Concentrated Electrolyte Spray can do more for you than the electrolyte product you might currently use. Our spray includes the essential trace minerals that the body and the brain needs to function properly during periods of intense exercise, when your body needs it most.

These trace minerals in our spray promotes faster recovery, heightens concentration and alertness, boosts energy levels, enhances the uptake of vitamins, and strengthens the body's immune system. 

You won't want to miss what our Specialist in Sports Nutrition, Nina Anderson, has to say about Electrolytes and the Enduropack's Electrolyte Spray. 

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The Impact Of Dehydration On Performance

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Dehydration Results In Lower Blood Pressure And Slows Bodily Processes. Active individuals should be aware of the acute effects of dehydration on performance. With just a 2% loss of water in the body, heat regulation becomes impacted. With a 3% drop in body weight from water loss, muscle cell contraction is impacted. And at 4% loss, there is 5-10% reduction in overall performance that can last up to 4 hours.

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How To Survive The Heat and Humidity

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Dropping Unnecessary Sugars In Your Sports Drink Is Easy

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